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Creature Img Hit Points Experience Charms Loot
Abyssal Lord 10000 9000 100 platinum coin, gold coin, gold coin, fire mushroom, ultimate health potion, great mana potion, ultimate mana potion, ultimate spirit potion, double axe, small emerald, assassin star, fire axe, talon, orb, giant sword, golden sickle, stealth ring, devil helmet, purple tome, gold ring, platinum amulet, ice rapier, demon shield, bonfire amulet, ring of healing, demon horn, golden legs, mastermind shield, might ring, demon trophy, demonrage sword, magic plate armor,
Bony Sea Devil 24000 19470 100 ultimate health potion, crystal coin, giant shimmering pearl, giant shimmering pearl, platinum coin, green crystal fragment, onyx chip, jaws, rod, wand of voodoo, rainbow quartz, glacial rod, glacier kilt, northwind rod, skullcracker armor, goblet of gloom, bag you desire,
Brachiodemon 25000 15770 100 crystal coin, ultimate health potion, hand, head, epee, skull staff, crystal mace, noble axe, butcher's axe, spellbook of mind control, assassin dagger, ring of green plasma, royal helmet, jade hammer, alloy legs, metal bat, fire axe, mastermind shield, diabolic skull, crystalline sword, bag you desire,
Branchy Crawler 27000 17860 100 crystal coin, ultimate health potion, roots, blue gem, terra legs, hammer of wrath, crawler's essence, green gem, violet gem, ruthless axe, crystal crossbow, nightmare blade, twiceslicer, crystalline sword, bag you desire,
Capricious Phantom 30000 19360 100 platinum coin, violet gem, crystal coin, blue gem, great spirit potion, ring of blue plasma, collar of blue plasma, wood cape, glacial rod, ornate crossbow, fur armor, capricious heart, capricious robe, bag you desire,
Cloak of Terror 28000 19700 100 crystal coin, ultimate health potion, telescope eye, wand of starstorm, violet gem, wand of inferno, wand of defiance, green gem, crown, wand of voodoo, blue gem, lightning headband, Brooch of Embracement, bag you desire,
Courage Leech 27000 18900 100 crystal coin, ultimate health potion, lightning legs, lightning pendant, lightning headband, gold ring, jade hammer, stone skin amulet, onyx flail, twiceslicer, nightmare blade, demonrage sword, hammer of wrath, dreaded cleaver, butcher's axe, bag you desire,
Distorted Phantom 26000 18870 100 crystal coin, distorted heart, platinum coin, underworld rod, spellbook of warding, violet gem, Distorted robe, springsprout rod, ring of red plasma, ring of green plasma, great spirit potion, glacial rod, ring of blue plasma, bag you desire,
Druid's Apparition 25000 18870 100 crystal coin, terra rod, great mana potion, green gem, blue gem, stone skin amulet, sacred tree amulet, glacier amulet, underworld rod, springsprout rod, platinum amulet, glacier robe, bag you desire,
Infernal Demon 32000 17430 100 crystal coin, ultimate health potion, small diamond, blue crystal splinter, cyan crystal fragment, red crystal fragment, onyx chip, blue gem, magma boots, green crystal fragment, giant sword, war axe, mercenary sword, bag you desire,
Infernal Phantom 26000 15770 100 crystal coin, terra rod, ultimate health potion, hailstorm rod, infernal heart, springsprout rod, underworld rod, fire axe, wand of starstorm, crystal mace, wand of voodoo, warrior's axe, infernal robe, titan axe, glorious axe, chaos mace, war axe, bag you desire,
Knight's Apparition 25000 18870 100 crystal coin, giant sword, ultimate health potion, epee, green gem, violet gem, crystal mace, glacier amulet, stone skin amulet, crown shield, jade hammer, bag you desire,
Many Faces 30000 18870 100 crystal coin, ultimate health potion, apron, hailstorm rod, green gem, sacred tree amulet, violet gem, northwind rod, blue gem, ring of red plasma, stone skin amulet, head, glacier shoes, glacier robe, glacial rod, gruesome fan, bag you desire,
Mould Phantom 28000 18330 100 crystal coin, violet gem, wand of starstorm, mould heart, wand of voodoo, green gem, wand of defiance, blue gem, mould robe, collar of blue plasma, ring of blue plasma, ornate crossbow, crystal crossbow, bag you desire,
Paladin's Apparition 25000 18870 100 crystal coin, warrior helmet, green gem, great spirit potion, violet gem, blue gem, glacier mask, wood cape, skull helmet, collar of blue plasma, ring of blue plasma, stone skin amulet, composite hornbow, bag you desire,
Rotten Golem 28000 17860 100 crystal coin, great spirit potion, sacred tree amulet, giant shimmering pearl, underworld rod, titan axe, terra amulet, mercenary sword, giant sword, war axe, fur armor, stone skin amulet, wood cape, terra mantle, rubber cap, bag you desire,
Sorcerer's Apparition 25000 18870 100 great mana potion, crystal coin, giant shimmering pearl, blue gem, ring of red plasma, glacier amulet, wand of voodoo, ring of green plasma, violet gem, wand of everblazing, alloy legs, wand of starstorm, wand of defiance, ring of blue plasma, stone skin amulet, bag you desire,
Thief's Apparition 25000 18870 100 crystal coin, giant sword, ultimate health potion, epee, green gem, violet gem, nightmare blade, glacier amulet, stone skin amulet, crown shield, assassin dagger, bag you desire,
Turbulent Elemental 28000 19360 100 crystal coin, platinum coin, blue gem, ultimate health potion, glacier robe, violet gem, wood cape, northwind rod, springsprout rod, sacred tree amulet, crystalline armor, rubber cap, fur armor, bag you desire,
Vibrant Phantom 27000 19700 100 crystal coin, ultimate health potion, terra rod, violet gem, giant shimmering pearl, hailstorm rod, Vibrant heart, green gem, blue gem, underworld rod, vibrant robe, springsprout rod, blue crystal shard, violet crystal shard, ring of blue plasma, bag you desire,
Boosted Boss

The Nightmare Beast
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