Underground Online

Characters Information
Vanessa(286) Retro Open Pvp
Experience 382549368
Achievement Points 26
Charm Points 895
Tourny Points 0
Forge Dusts 82/100
Vocation Gladiator
Residence Aurora
World Unibria
Maritial single
Last Login 7 September 2024, 5:40:05 pm
Created 14 July 2024, 1:45 am
Account Information
Created 11 July 2024, 23:28:33
Health 4355
Mana 1430
Magic 11
Fist 93
Club 12
Sword 110
Axe 10
Distance 10
Shielding 90
Fishing 10

PvP Stats
K/D Ratio 0.0
Last 24h Unjusts 0
Last 7 days Unjusts 0
Last 30 days Unjusts 0
Special Skills
Health 0%
Mana 0%
Magic Level 0%
Meele Skill 0%
Distance Skill 0%
Shield Skill 0%
Critical Damage 0%
Life Leech Chance 0%
Life Leech Damage 0%
Mana Leech Chance 0%
Mana Leech Damage 0%
Name Protector De Vanessita (205)
Race Brutal Deepling Elite
Experience 143554055
Health 4807
Magic 13
Meele 115
Dist 10
Shield 82

Huntsman Choking on Her Venom
No More Hiding Seasoned Adventurer
Contender Hunting Permit
Champion of Chazorai Potion Addict
Aristocrat Skilled Hunter
Emperor's Cookies Quest The New Frontier Quest
Noblewoman Noblewoman Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter
Nightdweller Mystic Raven
07 Sep 2024, 04:06

Died at level 283 by field item and outburst

06 Sep 2024, 23:24

Died at level 274 by a cobra assassin and a cobra scout

06 Sep 2024, 15:25

Died at level 264 by a cobra scout

06 Sep 2024, 02:30

Died at level 256 by a cobra scout

05 Sep 2024, 23:37

Died at level 253 by a Duke Krule

04 Sep 2024, 19:08

Died at level 227 by a feral sphinx

03 Sep 2024, 03:29

Died at level 217 by a vexclaw

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Players: 83
Live Casts: 23
Uptime: 4 days 00:26
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IP: unline.world
Version: 12.90

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Underground Online ® Unline.World 2006-2024
Server Time:
Sun, 08/Sep/2024 00:33:32