Underground Online

Characters Information
Kenichis(543) Retro Open Pvp
Experience 2639057300
Boosted Monster Turbulent Elemental Turbulent Elemental
Achievement Points 32
Charm Points 490
Tourny Points 650
Forge Dusts 100/100
Vocation Ninja
Residence Aurora
World Unibria
Guild Member of the Brotherhoods
House Thais Clanhall
Maritial single
Last Login 20 September 2024, 5:30:08 am
Created 10 June 2024, 2:57 pm
Account Information
Created 23 May 2020, 14:12:00
Loyalty Title Enlightened of Unline World
Health 3395
Mana 8065
Magic 37
Fist 31
Club 10
Sword 124
Axe 10
Distance 10
Shielding 57
Fishing 10

PvP Stats
Kills 2
Deaths 1
K/D Ratio 2.0
Last 24h Unjusts 0
Last 7 days Unjusts 0
Last 30 days Unjusts 0
Special Skills
Health 0%
Mana 0%
Magic Level 0%
Meele Skill 0%
Distance Skill 0%
Shield Skill 0%
Critical Damage 0%
Life Leech Chance 0%
Life Leech Damage 0%
Mana Leech Chance 0%
Mana Leech Damage 0%
Name Nijimas (279)
Race Draken Elite
Experience 358366961
Health 1822
Magic 37
Meele 101
Dist 10
Shield 86

I Did My Part Natural Born Cowboy
Mageslayer Blood-Red Snapper
Seasoned Adventurer Stuntman
Hunting Permit Little Adventure
Champion of Chazorai High Inquisitor
Master of the Nexus Demonbane
Chayenne's Realm Quest Forgotten Knowledge Quest
Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite Quest The Inquisition Quest
The New Frontier Quest
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter
Uniwheel Rented Horse
Golden Dragonfly
20 Sep 2024, 02:32

Died at level 544 by a skeleton elite warrior

16 Sep 2024, 09:24

Died at level 511 by a skeleton elite warrior and an undead elite gladiator

15 Sep 2024, 17:02

Died at level 506 by Vanessita and Boombastick

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Goshnar's Hatred
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Uptime: 4 days 16:42
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IP: unline.world
Version: 12.90

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Underground Online ® Unline.World 2006-2024
Server Time:
Fri, 20/Sep/2024 05:40:49