Underground Online

Characters Information
Aatrox Nueve(262) Retro Open Pvp
Experience 292957480
Boosted Monster Werewolf Werewolf
Achievement Points 4
Charm Points 235
Tourny Points 0
Forge Dusts 19/100
Vocation Gladiator
Residence Aurora
World Underground
Guild Destructors of the Brotherhood
Maritial single
Last Login 18 September 2024, 10:30:03 pm
Created 7 September 2024, 10:29 am
Account Information
Created 19 February 2024, 20:33:12
Health 3985
Mana 1310
Magic 10
Fist 10
Club 86
Sword 10
Axe 10
Distance 10
Shielding 51
Fishing 10

PvP Stats
K/D Ratio 0.0
Last 24h Unjusts 0
Last 7 days Unjusts 0
Last 30 days Unjusts 0
Special Skills
Health 0%
Mana 0%
Magic Level 0%
Meele Skill 0%
Distance Skill 0%
Shield Skill 0%
Critical Damage 0%
Life Leech Chance 0%
Life Leech Damage 0%
Mana Leech Chance 0%
Mana Leech Damage 0%

Blood-Red Snapper No More Hiding
Seasoned Adventurer Hunting Permit
18 Sep 2024, 15:06

Died at level 243 by a skeleton elite warrior and a priestess of the wild sun

17 Sep 2024, 17:44

Died at level 156 by a priestess of the wild sun and a black sphinx acolyte

Name Level Status
1. Aatrox Cinco 287 Offline View
2. Aatrox Cuatro 256 Offline View
3. Aatrox Diez 1 Offline View
4. Aatrox Dos 250 Offline View
5. Aatrox Nueve 262 Online View
6. Aatrox Ocho 261 Offline View
7. Aatrox Seis 256 Offline View
8. Aatrox Siete 252 Offline View
9. Aatrox Tres 255 Offline View
10. Aatrox Uno 250 Offline View

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Uptime: 3 days 10:12
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IP: unline.world
Version: 12.90

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Underground Online ® Unline.World 2006-2024
Server Time:
Wed, 18/Sep/2024 23:11:00