Underground Online


Guild Information
New guild. Leader must edit this text :)

The guild was founded on Unibria on 16 June 2024.
Vecna is the owner of DROGA E O BRASIL.
It is currently active.

Guild Members
Rank [sort] Name and Title Vocation [sort] Level [sort] Status
The Leader Felokz Female Ninja 125 Offline
Geralt From Unibria Ninja 346 Offline
Vice-Leader Gojira Oficial (NPC) Gladiator 537 Online
Jesus Is King Ninja 215 Offline
Royal Peteleco Sniper 535 Offline
Vanessita Alchemist 642 Online
Member Atack Speedy From Unibria Sniper 261 Offline
Boombastick (NO HANDS) Biochemist 503 Offline
Brutal Knight Gladiator 300 Offline
Chut (NPC) Ninja 371 Online
Eleggua (CHAR LOVER) Ninja 361 Offline
Felokz Dashow Sniper 150 Offline
Gogo Unibria Sniper 119 Offline
Jesus Love Sniper 639 Online
Joaof Sniper 200 Offline
Kina Gladiator 249 Offline
Kpap Ninja 256 Offline
Little Magic Flower Alchemist 140 Offline
Mamarcio Assassin 50 Offline
Maynard Ninja 372 Offline
Purple Kush (NPC DE CAVE) Gladiator 429 Offline
Shangoo (BOSS MAKER) Gladiator 468 Offline
Skull Demon Biochemist 289 Online
Specter (NPC DE CAVE) Gladiator 524 Offline
Thanos From Unibria Gladiator 315 Offline
Theus Zika Assassin 35 Offline
Vanessa Gladiator 549 Online
Vecna Ninja 490 Online

Invited Characters
Name Vocation Level Status
Donna Gladiator 223 Offline
Knight Manco Gladiator 151 Offline
Mike Gladiator 260 Offline
Skol Sensation Gladiator 122 Online

Store Discount Progress
Store Discount Progress
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Server Status


Players: 99
Live Casts: 29
Uptime: 1 day 17:51
Server Time:
IP: unline.world
Version: 12.90

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Underground Online ® Unline.World 2006-2024
Server Time:
Sat, 28/Sep/2024 17:48:53