Underground Online
Primal Ordeal Quest

With the last server save, another quest was released: Primal Ordeal Quest

The Gnomes, on their journeys through the depths of the world, found a world lost in the abyss, but which holds primordial secrets and threats. Welcome to Gnomprona!

Is it night or day up there on the surface? I wonder. For so many years have I been searching for places nobody dared to dream about. Who would have thought that the strangest of them all was to be found underground, deep down where time is nothing but an illusion of man. 

Joining the newest gnomish expedition didn't take any courage. Descending into a bottomless pit, a fathomless abyss, though, was a much bolder step. Had it not been for my curiosity and the gnomes' assistance, I might have bailed. 

Deep below the surface, the gnomes have discovered a colossal cavern cradling an impressive landmass with a giant, rumbling volcano at its centre, spewing molten lava, ash and smoke. They call this place Gnomprona, a dish best served hot and spicy. An enormous skull hovers over the entrance to the volcano's inner chamber. I've seen a beast like that before, staring at me through hollow, gaping eye sockets. The exaltation forge; unearthed by the adventurers' guild with the help of the gnomes.

The abundance of natural resources down here doesn't tempt me. I'm not driven by greed, I came to understand and learn. And yet, I've stopped looking up because there is no infinite sky, no sun to behold, no clouds or stars to count. All I see is that strange mist which illuminates the whole place and hides the cavern's rugged ceiling of stone and stalactites that can come crashing down any minute.

Water droplets are falling off the large green leaves and ferns but none of them reaches the ground, they all evaporate halfway. This scorching stifling humidity, it's suffocating and exhausting. But we need to keep going, for what we found is like beyond anything I could have imagined: Primordial creatures, some of them never seen before while others were believed extinct. Progenitors of species we currently know. And traces of an ancient civilisation! Maybe even older than our earliest-known ancestors.

The luscious green scenery around me is bathed in the red glow from lava pools and rivers, spreading from the volcano like veins of blood, pulsing sluggishly, mimicking Tibia's heartbeat.
A marvellous sight to behold, a treacherous beauty ready to strike, to break free and engulf the world in flames.

The ashen air I breathe is heavy, hot and dusty; I'm ablaze and drenched at the same time, reeking of sulphur just like everything else down here. The smell of decay, it burns and lingers. The jungle is brimming with life but it's life on the brink of death. Every creature, every plant is engaged in constant struggle for survival, devouring and being devoured, facing each other and facing nature itself, here deep down in the bowels of our home. 

If this hazardous place is the paradise they've told me about, I have to rethink my conception of hell.

Deep down below the surface in Gnomprona, mighty gear has been unearthed. These extraordinary items certainly enhance every collection and are highly sought after. Three new best-in-slot equipment pieces for each vocation can be obtained:

Spiritthorn Armor, Helmet and Ring
Alicorn Quiver, Headguard and Ring



Arboreal Crown, Folio and Ring

Arcanomancer Regalia, Tome and Sigil

Posted on 3 May 2024 - 00:05

Ferumbras !

Stay tuned!
Ferumbras prepares for his triumphant and vengeful return against Unline and the edron wizards who have imprisoned him in the tower. Zoltan realizes the Ferumbras movement and recruits his best wizards to protect world. Now it is possible to have the chance to get the Ferumbras Puppet Doll.

Posted on 20 Apr 2024 - 00:04

Free Online Tibia Coins

Triple Bonus: Earn 3x More Free Online Tibia Coins!

Attention, brave adventurers!
From the next server save, due to an issue that affected the community, everyone has suffered losses recently. As a way of compensation, we are offering a triple bonus reward in Free Online Tibia Coins until April 30th. Seize this opportunity to recover and even expand your earnings in tibia coins!

Posted on 15 Apr 2024 - 22:04

Full Moon

Today the full moon will gain a strange impact on the island of Grimvale. From 12 Apr until 15 Apr there's a high chance of this raid to be triggered in late-night hours. A new armor was added Onyx Dread Armor.
The small forest there seems darker, filled with nightly howls.
Something powerful and strange has started to move on Grimvale!
Grimvale drowns in werecreatures as the full moon reaches its apex and ancient evil returns.

Posted on 12 Apr 2024 - 00:04

Ferumbras !

Stay tuned!
Ferumbras prepares for his triumphant and vengeful return against Unline and the edron wizards who have imprisoned him in the tower. Zoltan realizes the Ferumbras movement and recruits his best wizards to protect world. Now it is possible to have the chance to get the Ferumbras Puppet Doll.

Posted on 20 Mar 2024 - 00:03

Colours of Magic

The wizards Furb of Fun, Feiz of Power, and Fern of Nature are back in the land of Tibia, competing for the votes of the Tibian citizens. You can now decide again who is the most popular wizard among them in your game world.

Starting March 15 after server save, various monsters will drop envelopes with red, blue, or yellow powder. If you want to know how to colour yourself and mix colours, check the letter that is included in the envelopes.

If you are interested in further facts about the event, please check with the wizards' loyal fans: Friedolin, the fan of the orange wizard awaits you in Carlin. Paulette supports the violet wizard and can be found in Thais. Representing the green wizard, Nathaniel stands in Venore.

During the competition, you will receive bonus points, which you can trade with these three supporters of the wizards after you have chosen your colour.

Use the bonus points to get your own chess box if you did not possess one yet. If you have one already, you can complete your set of Zaoan chess figurines made of jade and obsidian.

Time to decide which team you go for since each of the three offers a different special reward. Depending on the wizard with the most followers on your game world on March 23, server save, your world will benefit from one of the following rewards for one week:

  • Furb of Fun (orange): The shared experience bonus in party mode will be raised by 30%. The chance to successfully sculpt from ice cubes and marble will be multiplied by 10. Also, fireworks rockets, party trumpets, snowballs and party hats can be found in all the creatures which dropped envelopes.
  • Feiz of Power (violet): The majority of spellcaster creatures such as ice witches or draken spellweavers, for example, will give 25% more experience points. In addition, the skill bonus of berserk and bullseye potions will be raised to +7, and the shielding decrease will be set to -8 instead of -10. The magic level bonus of mastermind potions will be raised to +5.
  • Fern of Nature (green): All health and mana potions will be enhanced by 10%.

  • Happy colour mixing!

    Posted on 15 Mar 2024 - 00:03

    Full Moon

    Today the full moon will gain a strange impact on the island of Grimvale. From 12 Mar until 15 Mar there's a high chance of this raid to be triggered in late-night hours. A new armor was added Onyx Dread Armor.
    The small forest there seems darker, filled with nightly howls.
    Something powerful and strange has started to move on Grimvale!
    Grimvale drowns in werecreatures as the full moon reaches its apex and ancient evil returns.

    Posted on 12 Mar 2024 - 00:03

    Too Hot To Handle Quest

    With the last server save, another quest was released: Too Hot To Handle Quest

    Deathstrike, Gnomevil, Abyssador, The Baron, The Count and The Duke... none of them were able to prepare you for what lies below. When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back.

    This quest is part of the Those Below lore of the Bigfoot's Burden Quest and Dangerous Depths Quest quest lines, and in order to start it the character must have completed the Recruitment mission of the Bigfoot's Burden Quest. Its progress resembles in parts the progress of the Warzones 1-3 access.

    New Items:

    Posted on 6 Mar 2024 - 00:03

    Double Daily Rewards

    Are you a diligent Tibian who meticulously collects their daily rewards from the reward shrine every single day?

    The symbol of a golden sun welcomes you with bright and beaming rays whenever you visit the shrine?

    Congratulations, we have good news for you. Your routine will be even more rewarding next month.

    Between the server saves of March 01 and March 31, all daily rewards will be doubled!

    All Tibians will receive twice as many items from the reward shrine during that time. The daily reward XP boost will last twice as long as well!

    To the reward shrines!

    Posted on 28 Feb 2024 - 00:02

    Ferumbras !

    Stay tuned!
    Ferumbras prepares for his triumphant and vengeful return against Unline and the edron wizards who have imprisoned him in the tower. Zoltan realizes the Ferumbras movement and recruits his best wizards to protect world. Now it is possible to have the chance to get the Ferumbras Puppet Doll.

    Posted on 20 Feb 2024 - 00:02

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