Underground Online

Characters Information
Druid Manco(134) Retro Open Pvp
Experience 38553842
Achievement Points 24
Charm Points 35
Tourny Points 0
Forge Dusts 9/100
Vocation Biochemist
Residence Aurora
World Underground
Guild Member of the BRASIL
Maritial single
Last Login 15 October 2023, 12:05:50 pm
Created 3 September 2023, 6:14 pm
Account Information
Created 3 September 2023, 18:08:27
Health 815
Mana 3820
Magic 77
Fist 12
Club 12
Sword 10
Axe 10
Distance 10
Shielding 30
Fishing 10

PvP Stats
Deaths 1
K/D Ratio 0.0
Last 24h Unjusts 0
Last 7 days Unjusts 0
Last 30 days Unjusts 0
Special Skills
Health 0%
Mana 0%
Magic Level 0%
Meele Skill 0%
Distance Skill 0%
Shield Skill 0%
Critical Damage 0%
Life Leech Chance 0%
Life Leech Damage 0%
Mana Leech Chance 0%
Mana Leech Damage 0%
Name Chakoya Toolshaper (107)
Race Chakoya Toolshaper
Experience 20122764
Health 680
Magic 77
Meele 10
Dist 10
Shield 24

Bone Brother I Did My Part
Rocket in Pocket Natural Born Cowboy
Scorched Flames Fried Shrimp
Lucky Horseshoe Hunting Permit
Skull and Bones Dread Lord
Darashia Dragon Quest The Hidden City of Beregar Quest
Brotherhood Brotherhood
Titanica War Horse
Name Level Status
1. Druid Manco 134 Offline View

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Version: 12.90

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Server Time:
Fri, 20/Sep/2024 22:26:04