Underground Online

Characters Information
Shadowheart(238) Retro Open Pvp
Experience 219640434
Achievement Points 25
Charm Points 645
Tourny Points 270
Forge Dusts 100/100
Vocation Biochemist
Residence Gray Beach
World Unibria
Maritial single
Last Login 27 July 2024, 5:29:58 am
Created 18 June 2024, 6:04 pm
Account Information
Created 27 June 2021, 1:14:18
Loyalty Title Enlightened of Unline World
Health 1335
Mana 6940
Magic 99
Fist 32
Club 17
Sword 10
Axe 10
Distance 10
Shielding 27
Fishing 10

PvP Stats
Kills 5
Deaths 3
K/D Ratio 1.7
Last 24h Unjusts 0
Last 7 days Unjusts 0
Last 30 days Unjusts 0
Special Skills
Health 0%
Mana 0%
Magic Level 0%
Meele Skill 0%
Distance Skill 0%
Shield Skill 0%
Critical Damage 0%
Life Leech Chance 0%
Life Leech Damage 0%
Mana Leech Chance 0%
Mana Leech Damage 0%
Name Brutal Quara Pincher (193)
Race Brutal Quara Pincher
Experience 118243603
Health 1110
Magic 100
Meele 10
Dist 10
Shield 30

Huntsman Number of the Beast
Natural Born Cowboy Snowbunny
Blood-Red Snapper Meat Skewer
No More Hiding Rootless Behaviour
Dream's Over Howly Silence
Zzztill Zzztanding! Seasoned Adventurer
Loyal Lad Contender
Hunting Permit Little Adventure
Potion Addict
Blood Herb Quest
Name Level Status
1. Bushido 193 Offline View
2. Domitius Aegis 475 Offline View
3. Shadowheart 238 Offline View

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Players: 95
Live Casts: 21
Uptime: 1 day 12:06
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IP: unline.world
Version: 12.90

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  • Premiasa (133) by a serpent spawn
  • Vecna (489) by a Crazed Summer Rearguard
  • Vecna (491) by an insane siren
  • Aatrox Once (179) by a black sphinx acolyte
  • Kaitrons (953) by a darklight striker
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Underground Online ® Unline.World 2006-2024
Server Time:
Sat, 28/Sep/2024 12:03:42