Underground Online

Bug Abuse.
Suspended until: 15 October 2024, 1:11:58 pm
Characters Information
Mar Ruck(704) Retro Open Pvp
Experience 5784447134
Achievement Points 442
Charm Points 2947
Tourny Points 1305
Forge Dusts 18/106
Vocation Biochemist
Residence Aurora
World Unibria
Guild Vice-Leader of the Brotherhoods
Maritial single
Last Login 15 September 2024, 1:11:58 pm
Created 17 June 2024, 8:33 pm
Account Information
Created 23 August 2021, 15:46:38
Health 3665
Mana 20920
Magic 129
Fist 25
Club 11
Sword 10
Axe 10
Distance 10
Shielding 28
Fishing 11

PvP Stats
Kills 35
Deaths 10
K/D Ratio 3.5
Last 24h Unjusts 0
Last 7 days Unjusts 0
Last 30 days Unjusts 0
Special Skills
Health 0%
Mana 0%
Magic Level 5%
Meele Skill 0%
Distance Skill 0%
Shield Skill 0%
Critical Damage 0%
Life Leech Chance 0%
Life Leech Damage 0%
Mana Leech Chance 1%
Mana Leech Damage 0%
Name Megalodon (467)
Race Brutal Quara Predator
Experience 1692930951
Health 3720
Magic 118
Meele 10
Dist 10
Shield 34

Wedding Planner Beaver Away
Pied Piper Allow Cookies?
Amateur Actor Animal Activist
Backpack Tourist Beach Tamer
Bearhugger Bone Brother
Chorister Ghostwhisperer
Greenhorn Honorary Barbarian
Huntsman Ice Sculptor
Jinx Lucid Dreamer
Marid Ally Masquerader
Matchmaker Party Animal
Perfect Fool Scrapper
Vanity Bad Timing
Cookie Monster Cursed!
Demonic Barkeeper Do Not Disturb
Fool at Heart Happy Farmer
Joke's on You Let the Sunshine In
Make a Wish Mastermind
Nothing Can Stop Me Oops
Piece of Cake Rollercoaster
Sweet Tooth The Cake's the Truth
The Undertaker With a Cherry on Top
I Like it Fancy Natural Born Cowboy
Safely Stored Away Silent Pet
Skin-Deep Snowbunny
Something's in There Doctor! Doctor!
Invader of the Deep Mageslayer
Beautiful Agony Blood-Red Snapper
Choking on Her Venom Crawling Death
Just Cracked Me Up! No More Hiding
Rootless Behaviour Scorched Flames
Spareribs for Dinner The Gates of Hell
Si, Ariki! Enter zze Draken!
King of the Ring Stepped on a Big Toe
Zzztill Zzztanding! Becoming a Bigfoot
Crystal Clear Death from Below
Dungeon Cleaner Final Strike
Funghitastic Gnome Friend
Gnome Little Helper Gnomebane's Bane
Gnomelike Gnomish Art Of War
Honorary Gnome Seasoned Adventurer
Lion's Den Explorer Bearbaiting
Dragon Mimicry Fata Morgana
Fried Shrimp Friend of Elves
Gear Up Lion King
Little Ball of Wool Lost Palace Raider
Lovely Dots Loyal Lad
Lucky Horseshoe Magnetised
Out of the Stone Age Pecking Order
Personal Nightmare Scales and Tail
Slugging Around Spin-Off
Starless Night Stuntman
Swamp Beast Thick-Skinned
Way to Hell Contender
Hunting Permit Little Adventure
Millennial Falcon Spectulation
Dream Catcher Keeper of the 7 Keys
Tied the Knot A Study in Scarlett
Avid Spectral Reader Gryphon Rider
Hippofoddermus Inquisition's Hand
Sculptor Apprentice Beyonder
Mainstreet Nightmare Prospectre
Drama in Darama Lionheart
Annihilator Champion of Chazorai
Explorer Friend of the Apes
High Inquisitor Master Thief
Master of the Nexus Potion Addict
Ruthless Ship's Kobold
Turncoat Warlord of Svargrond
Aristocrat Demonbane
Exemplary Citizen Hunting with Style
In Shining Armor Life on the Streets
One Thousand and One Out in the Snowstorm
Ritualist Skull and Bones
Swashbuckler Sweet Tooth
Swift Death Warlock
Way of the Shaman Beak Doctor
Honorary Gnome Umbral Archer
Umbral Executioner Umbral Harbinger
Umbral Headsman Umbral Marksman
Over the Moon Skilled Hunter
Battle Mage Sun and Sea
Prison Break Dread Lord
Barbarian Arena Quest Bigfoot's Burden Quest
Chayenne's Realm Quest Crusader Helmet Quest
Feaster of Souls Quest Forgotten Knowledge Quest
Kilmaresh Quest Lion's Rock Quest
Medusa Shield Quest Orc Fortress Quest
Power Ring Quest Primal Ordeal Quest
Rottin Wood and the Married Men Quest Sea of Light Quest
Shards of Ancient Winters Quest Steel Helmet Quest
The Annihilator Quest The Ape City Quest
The Demon Helmet Quest The Djinn War - Efreet Marid
The Dream Courts Quest The Hidden City of Beregar Quest
The Inquisition Quest The Lament Quest
The New Frontier Quest The Order of the Cobra Quest
The Order of the Falcon Quest The Queen of the Banshees Quest
The Secret Library Quest The Shattered Isles Quest
The Thieves Guild Quest The Ultimate Booze Quest
Triangle Tower Quest What a Foolish Quest
Within the Tides Quest
Citizen Citizen Hunter Hunter
Knight Knight Nobleman Nobleman
Summoner Summoner Wizard Wizard
Oriental Oriental Pirate Pirate
Assassin Assassin Beggar Beggar
Shaman Shaman Norseman Norseman
Jester Jester Brotherhood Brotherhood
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Afflicted Afflicted
Crystal Warlord Crystal Warlord Soil Guardian Soil Guardian
Winter Warden Winter Warden Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter
Poltergeist Poltergeist Rune Master Rune Master
Widow Queen Racing Bird
War Bear Black Sheep
Midnight Panther Draptor
Titanica Stampor
Undead Cavebear Donkey
Tiger Slug Uniwheel
War Horse Kingly Deer
Dromedary Rented Horse
Rented Horse Rented Horse
Lady Bug Ironblight
Magma Crawler Dragonling
Water Buffalo Platesaurian
Noble Lion Shock Head
Walker Azudocus
Carpacosaurus Emperor Deer
Sea Devil Gryphon
Mystic Raven Giant Beaver
Name Level Status
1. Coyotecojo 200 Online View
2. Mamalonski 189 Online View
3. Mar Ruck 704 Offline View
4. Marruck 8 Offline View
5. Masmor 8 Offline View
6. Porona 8 Offline View
7. Purum 8 Offline View
8. Singatomuere 48 Offline View
9. Supercaguamon 84 Offline View
10. Vakop 8 Offline View
11. Vakoper 8 Offline View
12. Vaqriat 8 Offline View
13. Velatrona 8 Offline View
14. Zapartin 12 Offline View
15. Zapata 8 Offline View

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Players: 94
Live Casts: 21
Uptime: 1 day 11:59
Server Time:
IP: unline.world
Version: 12.90

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  • Premiasa (133) by a serpent spawn
  • Vecna (489) by a Crazed Summer Rearguard
  • Vecna (491) by an insane siren
  • Aatrox Once (179) by a black sphinx acolyte
  • Kaitrons (953) by a darklight striker
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Underground Online ® Unline.World 2006-2024
Server Time:
Sat, 28/Sep/2024 11:56:52