Underground Online

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Available Houses and Flats in Port Hope on Underground
Woodway 4 24 sqm 40500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Woodway 3 65 sqm 154000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Woodway 2 30 sqm 58500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Woodway 1 36 sqm 76500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
River Homes 3 176 sqm 505500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
River Homes 2b 56 sqm 159500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
River Homes 2a 42 sqm 127000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
River Homes 1 128 sqm 348500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Jungle Edge 6 25 sqm 45000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Jungle Edge 5 36 sqm 86500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Jungle Edge 4 36 sqm 86500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Jungle Edge 3 36 sqm 86500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Jungle Edge 2 128 sqm 317000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Jungle Edge 1 98 sqm 249500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Haggler's Hangout 6 208 sqm 645000 gold owned by
Haggler's Hangout 5 (Shop) 56 sqm 155000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Haggler's Hangout 4b (Shop) 56 sqm 155000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Haggler's Hangout 4a (Shop) 56 sqm 185000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Haggler's Hangout 3 256 sqm 755000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Haggler's Hangout 2 49 sqm 130000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Haggler's Hangout 1 49 sqm 140000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Flamingo Flats 5 84 sqm 184500 gold owned by
Sasuke Uchiha
Flamingo Flats 4 36 sqm 86500 gold owned by
Flamingo Flats 3 30 sqm 68500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Flamingo Flats 2 42 sqm 104500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Flamingo Flats 1 30 sqm 68500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Eastern House of Tranquility 452 sqm 1112000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Crocodile Bridge 5 157 sqm 397000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Crocodile Bridge 4 176 sqm 475500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Crocodile Bridge 3 49 sqm 127000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Crocodile Bridge 2 36 sqm 86500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Crocodile Bridge 1 42 sqm 104500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Coconut Quay 4 72 sqm 213500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Coconut Quay 3 70 sqm 214500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Coconut Quay 2 42 sqm 104500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Coconut Quay 1 64 sqm 176500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Banana Bay 4 25 sqm 45000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Banana Bay 3 25 sqm 45000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Banana Bay 2 36 sqm 76500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Banana Bay 1 25 sqm 45000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Bamboo Garden 3 63 sqm 154000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Bamboo Garden 2 42 sqm 104500 gold auctioned (no bid yet)
Bamboo Garden 1 63 sqm 164000 gold auctioned (no bid yet)

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Sat, 28/Sep/2024 11:58:16