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Ice Witch
650 HP Class: Human's
580 XP (870 with bonus) medium
114 Speed common
20 Armor 25 Charms
Name Parameters
Can Push Items
Static Attack 70
lightlevel 0
lightcolor 0
Target Distance
Run On Health (does not run)
Can walk on Energy
Can walk on Fire
Can walk on Poison
Name Parameters
melee Attacks every 2 seconds for approximately 30 damage.
ice Every 2 seconds with 10% chance. Min dmg: 60, Max dmg: 130.
ice Every 2 seconds with 20% chance. Min dmg: 55, Max dmg: 115.
speed Every 2 seconds with 15% chance. Duration: 20 seconds. Speed Change -600
Name Parameters
healing Every 2 seconds with 25% chance. Min 90, Max 120
Elemental Modifiers
Elements Immunities
Strong against fire 50%
Strong against earth 40%
Strong against holy 30%
Weak against energy -10%
Weak against death -10%
Summons Voices
This monster can't summon anything.
So you think you are cool?, I hope it is not too cold for you! HeHeHe., Freeze!
Item Rarity Chance
90x gold coin
common 29.63%
ice cube
common 10%
green mushroom
rare 1.31%
clerical mace
very-rare 0.92%
strong mana potion
very-rare 0.82%
very-rare 0.53%
mystic turban
very-rare 0.43%
crystal sword
very-rare 0.4%
diamond sceptre
very-rare 0.33%
glacier shoes
very-rare 0.28%
pair of earmuffs
very-rare 0.09%

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The Sandking
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Underground Online ® Unline.World 2006-2024
Server Time:
Sat, 01/Jun/2024 04:49:59